“Parrsboro Starry Night”
Joy Snihur Wyatt Laking
“Parrsboro Starry Night” by Joy Snihur Wyatt Laking,
Oil on canvas, 61 cm x 91 cm
Limited editioned prints available for sale.
Artist Statement
As a painter, I focus on strong compositions that utilizes the full range of tonal value. During my many years of full-time painting, coupled with my en plein air practice, I have honed my ability to capture the beauty of Nova Scotia and the world. While I paint in watercolour, oil and acrylic, I delight in all things creative.
About the Artist
Joy Snihur Wyatt Laking was born in Owen Sound, Ontario in 1950. The daughter of an artist, she graduated from the University of Guelph with a major in Fine Art in 1972. Since that time, she has lived and painted professionally in Nova Scotia. She currently resides in Portapique, Nova Scotia where she paints from her home and studio.
Laking has exhibited provincially, nationally and internationally including a solo exhibition at the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, which was subsequently toured for year. She is an elected member of the Society of Canadian Artists, a founding member of PLANS (Professional Living Artists of Nova Scotia) and she has served two terms on the Board of Governors for the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia.
In 2009, Joy received the Halifax Progress Club Woman of Excellence Award and in 2012, she received the Queens Diamond Jubilee Metal. She is the 2016 recipient of the Port Bickerton artist residency.