Featured Artists: Archive
Holding digital space for our talented local community.
Scroll down to apply to be featured!
Featured Artists Profiles
Parrsboro Creative is making space for you to showcase your work online!
Parrsboro has attracted a new wave of artists to the South Cumberland region. We want to help you, our local and member artists, get noticed and sell your work through our website’s Featured Artists Profiles.
Our first artist was featured on July 16th, and we will update the page with a new artist profile every two weeks.
(Please note: after your two weeks are complete, your profile will move to an accessible archive, giving you ongoing opportunity to hold online space and get noticed!)
Featured Artist requests and acceptances will be ongoing. Please fill out the form below if you are interested!
Our Featured Artists Profiles are intended to primarily serve local artists in the Cumberland-Colchester Region in Nova Scotia.
(Please note: our priority is to serve our immediate, local artists, and then the broader region.)Emerging artists and artists of all disciplines (e.g. music, craft, visual art, performance, dance, and theatre) are encouraged to apply.
Featured Artists are required to be Parrsboro Creative Members. Please click here to become a Member ($20/year)!
Submission Form
To participate as a Featured Artist, artists must be members of Parrsboro Creative. Annual membership is $20.
Artists must clearly indicate if HST is included in their stated price.
Artists must ensure that pricing is consistent with the price of their work in other galleries.
While participating in the feature, any sale of the piece or pieces displayed will be pursuant to the terms of this agreement.
Breach of the above terms shall constitute a violation of the agreement and exclusion of the Artist from the web page at the discretion of the Executive Director.
If a work featured on our website is sold, the Artist may send to PC a work to replace it in the online space.
If a piece is sold, Parrsboro Creative will notify the artist in a timely fashion with shipping and contact information. Arrangements must be made for shipping and insurance at the artist’s expense and responsibility.
Parrsboro Creative will receive 20% of the proceeds of all online sales of featured work. Payments to the artists for sold work will be mailed within 30 days of the sale.
By submitting the online application form, the artist agrees to all Featured Artist Program Terms, Conditions & Exhibition Details stated above.
I expressly understand and agree that neither Parrsboro Creative nor any of its agents, volunteers, assistants, or employees shall be held responsible or made subject of any claim seeking to assess damage or loss of any sort to myself, or another person on whose behalf this form is now signed, as a result of actual or proposed participation in the above-mentioned program, and hereby agree to indemnify and hold Parrsboro Creative, its officers, agents, volunteers or employees harmless of any such claims.
Parrsboro Creative is a registered non-profit society.
If you have any questions feel free to contact us at parrsborocreative@gmail.com or 902-728-2007.
Parrsboro Creative
P.O. Box 681
Parrsboro, NS, Canada
B0M 1S0