Parrsboro International
Plein Air Festival
Parrsboro International Plein Air Festival
June 17-22, 2025
What is Plein Air Painting?
“En plein air” is a French expression meaning “in the open air”. It describes the art of outdoor painting, using specific skills to capture landscapes and views in natural light. Plein Air painting requires adaptability to a changing environment and speed in applying painting techniques.
Plein air events have a dedicated following among artists who appreciate going to new locations and being challenged by the work of other artists on location.
The stunning views along the Fundy Shore draw our artists here
Master Gallery
This is where to see all paintings from past years. The talent here will blow you away.
Painting detail by Wesley Lowe
Scenery along the Parrsboro Shore
Want to know what all the hype is about? Explore our photo gallery to see for yourself the majesty of these UNESCO-designated natural wonders.