Creativity is Flourishing in Cumberland County
Board of Directors: Front Row (L to R) – Jan Rowe, Kitty Brown, Paul Aitken Back Row (L to R) – Sharrie Decouto, Del Klassen, David Beattie, Taylor Redmond
Photo Credit: Lawrence Nicoll
After just completing another highly successful Plein Air Festival, the Board of Parrsboro Creative held their Annual General Meeting on June 28 th . A large number of members attended the AGM at their new office at 223 Main Street in Parrsboro. The organization recently moved into this office space, co-locating with the Cliffs of Fundy Geopark, which has been a terrific business arrangement.
Members commented on the new location which is larger than their former premises and features a wide variety of artwork on the walls. The front window currently has a huge display promoting the upcoming 50 th Anniversary of Band Day in Parrsboro. It is the intent of Parrsboro Creative to showcase a variety of arts initiatives throughout Cumberland County in this display space.
During the Annual General Meeting, members were presented with the Annual Report for 2022 including activity and financial information. Board members were elected, and the Board now includes the following: Paul Aitken, David Beattie, Kitty Brown, Sharrie DeCouto, Del Klassen, Jan Rowe, and Taylor Redmond. This is the tenth year of operations for Parrsboro Creative, and the plans for 2023 include expanding programs and services beyond the Parrsboro shore to include all of Cumberland County, including Pop-Up Art Shows and Cultural Campus workshops.
Parrsboro Creative works to support all genres of the arts including music, theatre, writing, painting, carving, sketching, dance, pottery, fibre arts and more. Any artists within Cumberland County are invited to reach out to Parrsboro Creative to receive information about how we can support and promote your work. You may contact us by email at or by phone at 902-728-2007.